- sub-faction feature - structures, units or entire bases can be lost/gained in-game depending on diplomatic decisions, command (action-bar?), timers, objectives or the "commandeer" ability of enemies.
- faction colour baked in, so changable colour now depends on sub-faction (multiplayer + different allies in SP) (blue+blue is true Psyclone, while blue+red is Psyclone edging to Parallax and base is more easily lost to Parallax in-game.)
- more defined enemy teams - specific teams with sub-classes (unique to each faction).
- team building lists extended with dependent loops - loops to a number unless base is damaged/destroyed then loops back to specific start wave, or loops to a higher (more advanced level) if not attacked after a long time.
- defined unit terrain compatability - ability for some new units to transgress "water" but not other solids.
- new turret structures - "missile silo" & "chemical laboratory" - turrets that require ammo to be individually built (takes ages) but when ready can manually target projectile anywhere on the map.
- unit visibility (optionally) depends on direction facing - visibility awareness halved from behind for most units.
- enemy AI unit-ordering (based on attack range) for (scenario) teams within proximity of an enemy base (as according to the tactics section of the manual/guide).
- "base headquarters" can be forced to launch into a "mobile hq" unit (for free) instead of (or alternative to) the "destruct" command.
- players can use the 3DS to record some of their own custom sound effects like win/lose, swap-screen and building sounds & take photos for use as certain custom graphics like faction emblems and infoscreen, stats and win/lose screens/backgrounds.
- new unit/projectile "radar bug", which can give the player radar/playscreen visibility access to enemy bases for a period of time without the enemy knowing or preventing. (needs a new projectile type "instant location attack" also shared by new 'nuke' and 'virus' turret projectiles).
- patrol-mode (patrol-ambush) for friendly units plus specific patrol range value for enemy units.
- "kamikaze-ambush" mode for enemy units - never stop following friendly units encountered or head to attack base if friendly unit already destroyed.
- power option for structures - ability to temporarily manually deactivate individual turrets and other structures to increase power limit without needing to use "destruct".
- Processing Plants force Feeders to dump resources twice as slow if the base has no power.
- certain specific (flagged) units and structures build/repair twice as slow if the base has no power.
- playscreen temporarily darkens or brightens depending on if base power supply has just been lost or regained.
- "power node" structure, like "wall barrier" but (animates &) predetonates projectiles and causes enemy units damage. (requires base power).
- (SE) "fill tool" - 2 tools to either fill within (differing tiles) bounds with a single specified tile or with randomised tiles from a set (sandcustom).
- (SE) ability for 128x128 maps or even 256x* maps.
- (SE) ability to orientate structures (turrets and deployment structures) initially in the SE, for greater balance.
- environment map reflection (follows viewport) material layer for liquids like water, possibly other things.
- automatic global light tinting for custom atmospheric ambient light. (can be triggered for red flashing alarms)
- 'technician' unit that can (very slowly) repair mechanical units.
new 3DS envs:-
- tribunal-tech (gold & silver theme).
- neutral-tech (grey & silver theme).
- woodlands (dead trees).
- jungle/brambles.
- caves/inner-hive.
- slums (poverty-city)
- true swamp (redefine 'rocky')
Ability for slower moving projectiles.
Ability for faster (instant?) moving projectiles.
Ability for projectiles to remain active after hitting and causing (sustained) damage.
Ability for friendly units to shoot and destroy projectiles?
Patrol (automatic) mode for friendly units.
Wander (random direction) mode for friendly units.
Explosions cause splash damage, from structures, units and projectiles.
EnemyTo objective (lose if enemy unit escapes capture)
Smooth scrolling for icon-stacks.
Multiple "cleared" radar coords.
Scrollable action bar on the playscreen to accommodate more actions/abilities.
Jukebox screen to select music, shuffle/sequence mode, and create a playlist.
Scripted (scenario) plans for enemy structure building (base expansion).
Enemy units should move off tiles that need structure rebuilding.
Ore tiles regenerate after a set (in scenario) time.
Build-queue ability to apply custom presets of favourite units and structures.
Units "tracks" (for some) can last longer and cause damage to other units.
Units and structures should show health selection automatically for 4 seconds when in red.
"Harvesters/Feeders" should exit "Refinery/Processing Plant" without dumping Ore when credits are already maxed-out.
Plot unit travel path with multiple rally points.
New objective - build a certain amount of something to win.
Terrain-tester function on the Action-Bar when nothing selected.
Aerial units can fly over structures.
Extra visual notifications when winning or losing a scenario.
Randomise teams option in scenario.INIs.
Enemy team "bias" (proper waves)
Playscreen-touchscreen full-map "navigation\scrolling" enabled from empty unselected action-bar icon. (accelerate scroll from center origin.)
Play "Sound_placeStructure.wav" when DS lid is closed and "Sound_powerOn.wav" when DS lid is opened.
New unit behaviour "Psycho"
Enemies attack enemies if accidently attacked? (splash issue)
New "EnemyTo=" objective.
Activate/Deactivate function for power consuming structures.
Tooltip floaties for infoscreen icons.
Structures (turrets) will attack each other.
Repeated actions when holding stylus on infoscreen queue buttons.
Faction-specific pause menus.
Power meter slides smoothly to update instead of snap.
Kill/Need objectives can be "tolerant" (if all) or "sensitive" (if any) (are destroyed)
Unit action-bar functions more specific - (direct-attack/direct-move/attack-move/move-attack)