Being a part of the team is easy at any level, whether as a casual observer or core developer. We're old-fashioned, so follow the ancient path:-
- forum (/wiki/irc/discord/teamtalk)
(you need to sign up at the forum and have your rank decided, and a developer or special guest can edit the wiki and be a moderator, and access otherwise hidden info and discussion. The rest is optional, but highly recommended.)
- site profile
(a few vague details to help keep track of who you are, all optional and public or not. Having a profile on the main website makes your developer rank official.)
- FTP/email
(access to the team's online files)
- installer (/bases/tools)
(used to get everything needed to develop)
- dev guide
(documentation about engines and tools)
(real name)
Many other optional ways of being involved in the team exist and are still encouraged, such as supporting us on our social media, but are not required. The forum still remains the vital means of team management and communication.
devtrick pitches
(unique quirks about team development worth noting and worth dedicated information online)
- LOD and materials (scales & bakes)
- physics and animation polish
- data management (art-centric, random, colour)
- diametric reflections
- terrain decoration
- lightmapping
- splatting/littering/fratcuring/puppeteering
...wishlist for webhost:-
- TeamTalk server?
- Video streaming.
- IRC bot.