Violation Entertainment


UPDATED: (151028)¬…¦

28th of October, 2015.


[:]  website/forum fixes...


[:]    screenshots...


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... copyright(C) 2012 - Violation Entertainment.




...independent game development...


(download thumbnail)

This is the website for Violation Entertainment, a quiet little independent game development and digital entertainment team. Currently there are only a few members, though a lot of work is being done and there are some screenshots and other files already available, including videos, music and some interactive demos. Our plans consist of a futuristic 3D racing game called 'Chaos Circuits', a 3D first-person shooter total conversion project called 'Shadowing Hate', a 2D real-time strategy game called 'Ulterior Warzone', as well as some other projects on the side.

Our approach is all about an art-centric scalable workflow where we can be as technically flexible as possible with the assets we produce, using high-resolution textures and LOD-specific meshes for our models, including environments. We also make heavy use of data-management scripting in our workflow, sometimes to the point of fully translating exported data to a completely different format, so the entire asset base is as compatible and flexible as possible.

The team is keen to provide some resources available for other developers and artists since we are very open about our developments and strongly encourage feedback from the public. We also use mainly freely distributable cross-platform software for development to suit as many members as possible, which among others includes Blender, gMAX, Radiant and our current engine(s).


(blender)     (gmax)     (radiant)




More is available and we welcome and encourage your opinions and involvement in our team forum.


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