Violation Entertainment is currently short of sufficient members to complete our projects anytime soon, so we are looking for dedicated people who have a strong passion for computer game development and other multimedia production. The few members we do have are hard-working and talented artists with clear focus on their immediate goals. We have so much resource and support for new members with full documentations and content ready to use. We already have made so much progress, much of which cannot be seen on this website, so much that it would be a horrible shame to let it all go to waste, so if you are even moderately interested in our projects and their development, then note we are currently looking for new members possessing the following skills in priority of need:-
- Coder. .:-(Programming C#/C++/C, Python, "scripting", etc...).
. . . tasks involve managing software development kits and programming new code tasks.
- Animator. .:-(Skeletal Animation, Rigging, Physics, etc...).
. . . tasks involve rigging models to skeletons and dealing with constraints and inverse kinetics.
- 3D Artist. .:-(Blender, 3DSMAX, Maya, Lightwave, etc...).
. . . tasks involve modelling of characters, mapobjects and interiors and dealing with UV layouts.
- 2D Artist. .:-(Textures, Graphics, Effects, etc...).
. . . tasks involve creation and enhancement of textures, materials and other graphics.
...we are also looking for Mappers, Web Designers and Audio artists.
Please note that some of these positions are task-by-task paying jobs depending on skill and necessity, to be discussed. If you are interested in our projects and possess one or numerous of aforementioned skills then please make your way into our team forum, register and post about yourself in our "Recruitment" section. We are currently looking to fill up roughly 10 positions, from 3 texture artists, 2 programmers, 2 animators, 2 3D artists, 1 web and 1 audio wiz, but these numbers are very flexible and there is always plenty of room for extra part-time contributions and none are too small. To join Violation Entertainment or even as little as being a regular commentator and feedback supplier, please drop in:-
More is available and we welcome and encourage your opinions and involvement in our team forum.