Here is a proper-HD (1920x1080) screenshot of Shadowing Hate. It's a scene I'm sure most have seen before, it's on the website already, but in a definition that marks the new standard for the project, proper HD widescreen, as the project adapts to 16:9 ratio. ... 090531.jpg
This shot was once considered to be somewhat a benchmark of standards in terms of details, both texture and geometric, but has now become obsolete as we drive a new level of defintion into the game for the high-detail release. This shot has a small amount of this "new" level of definition, the amount of trash on the ground and some of the texture use. From now on, we will focus on this level of detail and make sure we portray exactly what we're aiming for - a project that will outlive its peers in terms of its technical ambitions, pushed way beyond the standards of games like the original Quake IV.
I'd like to add, however, that this doesn't mean mapping will take THAT much longer to do. The real hard work still remains in how a map is constructed in a traditional sense, the structure and efficiency, and NOT in these fine details that are merely complimentary. It's actually not all that difficult.
HD SH shot (new standard)
HD SH shot (new standard)
- Dark Knight ez
- developer.
- Posts: 40
- Joined: (071214)(03:12.15)
Fine details really aren't a problem, because they will either be unclipped, or moveables. Unclipped means nothing can move them, and everything move directly through them (so trash on the ground is still "flat ground", technically, all those objects are visual only) and moveable means when the player comes into contact with them, those objects will bounce out of the way somewhat appropriately. This is a bit of a special rule with this project, and allows these kinds of littered environments, without affecting gameplay.
- Dark Knight ez
- developer.
- Posts: 40
- Joined: (071214)(03:12.15)
True-ish to a degree, after all, if people are supposed to be walking around, that alone would kick all that major trash away. But the point of this project is to portray a future where people don't care anymore, if it's not the upper stories of the rich skyscrapers (everyone rich lives UP), the streets are left to the cleaner-bots to take care of, however most of the time these bots are either bashed to pieces, stolen and modded, or simply break down on their own. This is why the game will always look trashy and dirty. It's supposed to. No one gets paid to clean up anymore.