return to Ryvyt

...cybernetic and robotic dystopian first-person shooter...
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return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

I will now suspend work on making textures to complete the Ryvyt mp map.
After weeks of getting a handle on texture making- I've learned alot but should finish what I have started, so for the next while I will focus on Ryvyts' completion.
- Realizing that the map will probably not be included in the list of maps for SH, I think it's a compliment to the story in a small way, and it needs to be released to members soon. So, as hard as it is to discontinue texture development, and combat my hunger for thousands of them, I feel the need to realine my focus back to mapping. I don't want to become neglectful of what was promised, and be good for my word. ( a little bit of self discipline goin on here) I still have dozens of great texture ideas which I'll return to after it's done.

:arrow: DeeP
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Post by LDAsh »

You should have a look at my first proper SH map, maps\sh_mp\sh_dm0*, you'll see it's a simple 8-shape layout, like a Q3A tourney map, there's nothing to it but enough to keep it going around for a few minutes. There's more to it with that map, or at least will be, like being able to get onto the roof of the building and a few enclosed alcoves (protruding D-shapes) on the outer limits of the map to make it a little more interesting. Anything bolder than that is too ambitious for now, I think. That's what I've thought from the beginning, and that's what I try to ask mappers to do for SH, for now, is something like my first SH MP map, enough to keep 3-4 players maximum going around for a few minutes, and something that will only take 2 or 3 weeks of mapping to get somewhere with, all detailed. So many big SP ideas can fit into one of these small MP maps too, such as having an entire SP-cityscape as the backdrop.

Ryvyt is really ambitious so far, I have no doubt you can finish it, but you might want to consider making some changes to scale it down a little bit, maximise the work you've already done, and push to get to the detailing stage. It's difficult to not go off the rails and end up with something bigger, but we're still at the stage where we need to know what will work on a small scale before we can tackle the larger scales.
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Post by DeeP »

ah, ok. It is fairly ambitious... and is larger than you expected. I'm sorry about that, I should have considdered this as a detail test map instead of an off-shoot of the SH world. My bad :roll: - tho , all is not lost... it will definately test out as a greatly detailed example. I did see your map, and understand the layout styles. It is in the detailing stage
p.s. My creativity took me at gunpoint... and forced me to build it bigger :P
:arrow: DeeP

EDIT :!: Older Ryvyt images: Lets reflect and reminisce shall we?

:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... ture_b.jpg ... ture_a.jpg ... ndow_2.jpg ... ndow_1.jpg ... plate1.jpg ... ll2ya8.jpg ... t_Mach.jpg ... ator_3.jpg ... ator_2.jpg ... tor_1c.bmp ... tor_1b.bmp ... tor_1a.bmp ... ator_1.jpg ... r3wg_7.jpg ... or3wg7.jpg ... jpgyf7.jpg ... yt_jpg.jpg ... yvyt_A.bmp ... _Ryvyt.bmp ... _Ryvyt.bmp ... _Ryvyt.bmp ... _Ryvyt.jpg ... _Ryvyt.jpg ... _Ryvyt.jpg

These images are old and don't represent today's quality standards for 2020.
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Post by LDAsh »

I know exactly what it's like. That why for sh_dm0 I intentionally mapped the hull, basic structural/vis and layout at the start, before using anything else but caulk and 8x8 grid, and forced myself into that double-8 shape.
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Post by DeeP »

I apoligize Lee.I feel like I've made you wait for a very long time , for something that you didn't want in the first place. I'll quickly do up a figure 8 in the Ryvyt theme for you. -and only include 4 -5 of the new textures to keep it simple.Sorry dude.
:arrow: DeeP
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Post by LDAsh »

No need to apologise, the project needs big maps too and of course still gets used, even for early releases. It's just my advice, for the sake of getting things done and released, but it's not a rule and I'm not disappointed at all.
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Post by DeeP »

Thanks Lee. :)
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

Been thinking... I may raise Ryvyt from the ashes and do a complete redo using our new methods and standards. (...and smaller, as discussed) DeeP breath.... and exhale.
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by LDAsh »

I spent some time looking into this idea - the huge problem is that I can't see how you could just do a 'search & replace' operation in Radiant to retexture everything. Even that is a bit of a pain, but after a lot of thinking, I can't see how you can avoid manually replacing every single texture on every single face. The main reason being the texel-scale will be different. I examined the MAP format and wondered if it could be automatically recalculated but it's not as easy as just dividing a value - they aren't stored in a such a straight-forward manner. So even if you could do a search+replace, the textures would either need to be the same dimensions and thus you'd end up with some low-res outdated-looking mapwork, or you'd need to manually scale everything down after the fact. At some point, it probably makes more sense just to start fresh? I don't know. It's your call.

To be clear - the standard texel-depth for CC/SH is 0.125 (8x8 texels per 1 3D unit face) for 'normal' (editor preset) and 0.0625 (16x16 texels per 1 3D unit face) as the tightest (=seldom used) definition. IdTech4 had 0.5 or 0.25 as standard.
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

-Actually I was not going to use the original map, but was considering using key ideas that were included in it. Reducing it's size is a must and a rethinking of the layout to tighten it up into a smaller and less "broad" scope. The original would have to go out the window simply because of newer methods, and what we're wanting which is a smaller more figure 8 style map. What could be added: a few off-shoot directions for interest sake such as a doorway to a small hall leading to a stairwell which leads the player right back to the same area (but 10 feet lower) The original had components or areas I'd like to keep - large main stairwell / an inoperable elevator in a shaft / a tall open area with overhead crane and surrounding upper walkway / and an equally sized lower room with crates, machinery and receiving area. So tied in correctly I think this would make a fantastic little MP map for us that would not overwhelm me/us in resources or time. Yes it would be great to just re texture what I built before but I cringed a lot seeing how badly it was made. - it wouldn't fit with sector building or LOD in mind anyway. so better layout / tighter / LOD / better textures . .... sounds good to me 8)
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by LDAsh »

If that's what you want to do, then sure. Just keep in mind, we still have portals. LOD at this degree can be utilised between one or two rooms, plus some hallway or whatever. There's no need to think about one method or another, we can really do anything we want. Just because we have 16 LOD stages doesn't mean all 16 would be used, infact, I've been thinking about standards where typical ranges of LOD are grouped together for various things, such as how the UVs are scaled for lightmaps. Doing all 16 uniquely will just take more time for little to no visual or performance benefit. It's also completely custom and the mapper controls 99% of how it works, so if you want to be aggressive or not, where and how you want.
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

OH! This is exciting.... I'm really looking foreword to this map :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: 8) 8) 8)
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

When you say "portals" you're talking vis right? because I was also going to ask if you are interested in using transporters or a modded idea of them? - if so, that could really impact the map design and possibilities...
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by LDAsh »

Yes, sorry, I should clarify - "portals" in a technical sense, to cull geometry based on zones = "vis".

As for portals and teleporters (and jump-pads, etc.) in a conceptual sense, I'm against it. It just won't fit in with the theme of the rest of the project. There are some other things we can do, like platforms/elevators, and I don't mind if they are moving a little faster than seems reasonable, to get the job done.
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

well that sounds great. When you said steering away from the "star Trek" idea clarifies a lot to me.
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by LDAsh »

For Shadowing Hate, pretty sure everywhere at every opportunity I've cited Deus Ex, and (the first 3/4 of) Perfect Dark (both from 2000), so play those or at least watch some playthrough videos to get some clarification.
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

Coming along well, will load some pics soon! :wink:
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

her's some mixed shots of the MP map Ryvyt (wip)

:arrow: [ external image ]

:arrow: [ external image ]
anyway i cant get these to work ugh.
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by LDAsh »

Fixed your URLs, also increased the maximum size of images (in IMG tags) to 1440x900.

Do you mind if I move this whole thread so it's public?
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

Thank you! and yes please do! :)
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

A few captures from RyVyt map.... WIP with DR lighting which is meh.
crap_storage1.JPG (80.46 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
detail 3.JPG
detail 3.JPG (54.49 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
eyeLevelLightTrials.JPG (72.25 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
green1.JPG (54.47 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
hall.JPG (69.31 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
Hallway_Red2.JPG (52.25 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

and low and behold... theres more...

Ryvyt_woodenWalk1.JPG (159.1 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
hall.JPG (69.31 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
green1.JPG (54.47 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
eyeLevelLightTrials.JPG (72.25 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
detail 3.JPG
detail 3.JPG (54.49 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
crap_storage1.JPG (80.46 KiB) Viewed 49531 times
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

light trials2.JPG
light trials2.JPG (123.47 KiB) Viewed 49530 times
light trials3.JPG
light trials3.JPG (96.85 KiB) Viewed 49530 times
Light_diamondsRed1.JPG (57.37 KiB) Viewed 49530 times
murder_scene1.JPG (91.86 KiB) Viewed 49530 times
stairs1.JPG (52.92 KiB) Viewed 49530 times
ww443.JPG (62.66 KiB) Viewed 49530 times
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

So these are just light trials to see what style or "mood" I'd like to achieve. Very non-committal at this point....
so a few more:
2ndFloorTek1.JPG (69.35 KiB) Viewed 49518 times
2ndFloorTek2.JPG (90.98 KiB) Viewed 49518 times
2ndFloorTek3.JPG (56.19 KiB) Viewed 49518 times
TunnelEntrance1.JPG (74.16 KiB) Viewed 49518 times
TunnelEntrance3.JPG (58.6 KiB) Viewed 49518 times
Walk_aboveLightTrials1.JPG (70.68 KiB) Viewed 49518 times
Can't remove the light diamonds from editor for screenshots unfortunately
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

So considering the VERY restrictive rules on light placement, I don't know how we will achieve the various light techniques that I'm use to seeing in my work but HEY!
-with the help of shadows and texture materials.... and all the environmental effects ie: fog/mist , sparks flickering lights / dimming lights etc.... and we cant forget sounds. low tones/ distant echos creaks and humming... oooo getting excited. :D
Soon we'll be playing capture the flip-flop!

:arrow: DeeP
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

so here's a few more... I don't know why they seem to degrade when they appear in here tho like they've been saved in ms paint..?
Floor1LightTest3_Piping.JPG (75.2 KiB) Viewed 49514 times
Floor1_LightTest3.JPG (85.04 KiB) Viewed 49514 times
Floor1_LightTest2.JPG (86.34 KiB) Viewed 49514 times
Floor1_LightTest.JPG (87.13 KiB) Viewed 49514 times
casm1.JPG (60.59 KiB) Viewed 49514 times
2ndFloorTek2.JPG (90.98 KiB) Viewed 49514 times
:arrow: DeeP
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Re: return to Ryvyt

Post by DeeP »

Another area down DeeP in the bowels of RyVyt... playing with light....
supports1.JPG (79.7 KiB) Viewed 49511 times
Supports_concr1.JPG (71.41 KiB) Viewed 49511 times
Supports_concr2.JPG (84.17 KiB) Viewed 49511 times
sometimes you need to view it in a different way to get the vibe ... man - it's the progression of things.
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